Learning Calligraphy: A Beginner’s Guide

Calligraphy is the art of formal penmanship. Contrary to popular belief, calligraphy is actually quite easy. There are certain techniques one can employ to make the learning process easier and simpler. There are two highly recommended tips for faster learning:

Practice, practice, practice: Anyone can master modern calligraphy. This is regardless of skill level or whether you think your handwriting is horrible. Modern calligraphy is quite ideal because it blatantly ignores traditional rules and emphasizes the personal touch. That said, it is still important that you keep practicing. Most people believe that calligraphy can only begin with the proper tools. This is not necessarily true. Beginners can start with any ballpoint or gel pen and start with faux calligraphy, which teaches the basics of the art without being too rule-intensive. This will also allow you to figure out how you hold pens in general and what kind of “style” would be best suited for you.

black letter caps
Image source: wedding-calligraphy.co.uk

Experiment: Part of the fun in calligraphy is finding your own style. Some people’s penmanship are more suited for wedding invitations, others for coffee table books. Finding your style takes a certain amount of experimentation. This ties in nicely with the first part. Practice can be simultaneously done with experimentation. Again, it must be emphasized that neither act requires new materials, but it would help if you try out different types of calligraphy pens and see which ones suit you best. Left-handed people, for example, have a tendency to press the side of their palm on their papers, which makes writing with certain types of pens difficult.

Image source: calligraphyarts.wordpress.com

Still, the most important part of learning calligraphy is not being afraid of making mistakes. All beginners start out with hundreds of used-up papers and dozens of dried-up pens. But it should be an encouraging thought to know that all of the great calligraphers out there started from the same position. What made them great was their dedication to the art and their never-ending vigilance.

Kimberly Dey Wang here, calligraphy enthusiast. Add me on Facebookto learn more about my passion.

Learning Calligraphy: A Beginner’s Guide

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